The One Girl Travel Podcast
Welcome to the One Girl Travel podcast. Your passport to the world of solo travel. With certified life and travel coach Alessia Tenebruso. Join Alessia as she shares her own journey of self-discovery through solo travel while also focusing on topics such as life coaching insights and travel tips along the way.
The One Girl Travel Podcast
Episode 86: The Power of Spontaneity
In this episode of the One Girl Travel Podcast, certified life and travel coach, Alessia Tenebruso, shares her recent experience of taking a last-minute solo cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line. Alessia, a seasoned traveler, recounts booking her first ever last-minute trip—a five-day cruise from Miami to the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas on the Norwegian Breakaway, the ship she first traveled solo on in 2013.
Facing burnout from a heavy year, Alessia emphasizes the importance of taking time for self-care and how solo travel can provide that much-needed break. She praises Norwegian Cruise Line for their solo traveler-friendly policies and shares tips on booking last-minute deals and maximizing travel perks like the Cruise Next program.
Throughout the episode, Alessia reflects on the joy of recharging through solo travel, the importance of honoring one's desires, and finding inspiration and creativity while away. She discusses moments of dining solo, meeting new people, and the bliss of taking time to enjoy and savor life.
Alessia also touches on the significance of journaling and setting goals, especially as the year comes to an end. She encourages listeners to acknowledge their achievements, set intentions for the new year, and not hesitate to embrace solo travel or any life experiences without waiting for someone else.
To wrap up, Alessia invites listeners to join the One Girl Travel Club for more guidance, resources, and community support in their solo travel journeys.
Don't miss this insightful and inspiring episode that underscores the power of solo travel for personal growth and self-discovery.
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Welcome to the One Girl Travel Podcast, episode number 86.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the One Girl Travel Podcast, your passport to the world of solo travel with certified life and travel coach, alessia Tenebruso. Join Alessia as she shares her own journey of self-discovery through solo travel, while also focusing on topics such as life coaching insights and travel tips along the way. Now here's your host, alessia Tenebruso.
Speaker 1:Hello, my friends, and welcome to episode number 86 of the One Girl Travel Podcast. I am back from my cruise. I just went on a five-day cruise with Norwegian Cruise Lines my favorite cruise line and I booked it six days before we disembarked. So this was my first ever last-minute cruise. I've always booked way in advance, like months in advance, years well, not years a year in advance and this time around I just knew that I needed a solo trip.
Speaker 1:I have had a heavy year, like this year was a big year and I didn't really have time to process everything that happened this year and I kind of got caught up with just doing and I really wanted some time just to be with myself. Because you know, when you get on that verge of burnout where you know if you keep going the way you're going, you're just going to crash and it's not going to be good. And I was very much at that point and I knew I needed just time for myself. So I started looking up trips and I knew I didn't want to go anywhere. That required much effort. If I went somewhere new, I would have to research and plan and book different things. I didn't want to deal with that, so I knew cruising was going to be a great option. So all I did for several days before I actually booked it, I would just look up the website of the cruise line. So my preferred cruise line so my preferred cruise line is Norwegian. I think Norwegian is excellent for solo travelers. They are the most solo travel friendly cruise line in my opinion. I have been on many Norwegian cruises so I also have, you know, priority with their membership. I'm a platinum level, so I get perks and stuff since I've cruised so often, but Norwegian's my go-to always and I went on their site and I saw that they had some last minute cruises. Like I knew I wanted to go within a week timeline of when I was looking and they had a cruise that I found it was on the Norwegian Breakaway, which was actually the first ever ship I've been on, and it was my first ever big solo trip. That was in 2013 that I decided to go on my first cruise and my first big solo trip. My first technical solo trip was Florida. That was somewhere I've been, somewhere I felt safe and comfortable, but never went on a cruise and I'm like I want to go somewhere that I've never been before. So the first cruise was New York to Bermuda, again on the Norwegian breakaway, and it was amazing. I had the best time. So it was very full circle that I found this cruise. It was a five-day cruise from Miami to Dominican Republic and the Bahamas on the Norwegian breakaway.
Speaker 1:So 11 years later and I returned to the ship and I have to say, like booking last minute has its perks, I got this cruise for under $400. If you can believe that, I couldn't believe it when I first saw the price. I'm like a balcony room for under $400. If you can believe that, I couldn't believe it when I first saw the price. I'm like a balcony room for under $400?. How is that even possible? And it was possible. And the reason why it was possible for me was because I had $250 of Cruise Next credits. So if you ever go on a Norwegian cruise, they have this program where you can purchase cruise next and these are basically credits for your future cruise where, for example, on this cruise, I spent $500 for future cruise next credits. So $500 to apply for future cruise and when I do that, they reimburse me $250. So basically, you're getting it half price. I got $500 worth of credits for $250. It is a great promo, so don't miss your chance, when you're on a Norwegian cruise, to get your cruise next.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I was able to book this cruise. It came up to like 400. And then I had my 250 vouch voucher. And then I always upgrade everything. I like the specialty dining, I like the spa for the week, I like unlimited wi-fi, premium liquor package, so I upgrade. So the total cost of the cruise did not come to under $400 with all my add-ons. But if you do not need those add-ons then you can easily get an amazing price for a cruise.
Speaker 1:And because this was so last minute, I really I just wasn't stressed about it. I found a flight and I packed carry-on only for a five-day cruise, which is a huge accomplishment for me, and it felt so good. It felt so good not to be held back by a ton of luggage and a ton of things and having to plan everything. I just showed up. I showed up that morning and I do recommend flying in the night before or the day before a cruise. I don't recommend flying in that morning. God forbid something happens. But I just figure I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to show up that morning and I'm going to go on the ship and start my vacation, and that's exactly what I did, and it truly was one of the best decisions I have made recently. I needed that so bad.
Speaker 1:When I was on the cruise, I actually thought about when was my last real solo trip? And when I say real solo trip, I mean a trip that I went on, where I wasn't going for a conference, to meet up with anyone, where I knew anybody for work, like just a true solo trip, where I am putting myself somewhere completely alone. And it wasn't since 2022, I believe, like I took little trips here and there, but like a week-long trip. I did Alaska in 2022 and I also went to Mexico, had a really bad experience in Mexico, but whatever learning experience, but that was really like my last week-long solo, solo, solo trip where I didn't know anyone and I was there completely by myself and I wasn't there for a conference or workshop or anything like that. Um, so, as a solo traveler, I needed that. I needed that time alone. I craved that time alone.
Speaker 1:Sometimes you just need to go somewhere or do something where the only thing you need to worry about is what makes you happy, and if you're hearing this and your first thought is that's selfish. I want to challenge that thought and say that it's actually self-care. It is caring for yourself, to make you and your happiness a priority, and I think that's really exciting, because when do you get to do that? In your everyday life, if you have a family, if you're a caretaker, if you have a partner, if you have a family, if you have, if you're a caretaker, if you have a partner, if you have a job, most of your time is spent helping other people or doing things for other people. So when you can dedicate a week just for yourself, or even your desires, your needs, your wants, all of it. And when I went on this trip, I just I felt alive. I felt the spark that had been dimmed recently come back and I feel like it's stronger than ever now.
Speaker 1:I needed that time away to feel creative again, to feel excited, to get back to myself and also to acknowledge everything that has happened this past year and also in the past 12 years when I started this journey. How often are you taking time to acknowledge your accomplishments or how far you've come, when you get to actually put yourself in the position of showing up as who you are now and reflecting on who you once were, it's so powerful. I went to dinner each night and even though I packed carry-on only, I still had my dresses every night. A different dress for every night. It's very important for me, but I felt good Like everything I packed, I just felt really good in and I felt like every hallway on that ship was my runway and I was just radiating this confidence because I just felt so happy being there and I know who I am and when you know who you are and you love who you are, it is so powerful and I just felt like I was radiating that across this cruise ship and everywhere I went and I would take myself to dinner, which is one of my favorite things to do when I'm solo traveling.
Speaker 1:I love eating by myself. Like don't pity anybody if they're eating by themselves, because sometimes some of us we love it. I want to eat alone and I want to sit there for over two hours eating my meal and that's what I did every night. I was in such bliss sitting at these restaurants and taking my time and actually telling the wait staff hey, like I want to pace myself, I'm going to take my time, like just give them a heads up, like not to rush the process, and they were super accommodating and I would just sit there and have a glass of champagne, then have some escargot, and then have some more champagne and then have some soup, like just taking my time, because at home I am eating quickly, I am eating so I can hurry up and get to my next thing. I'm eating at my desk, like I am not having these elegant, luxurious meals where I am truly savoring every bite. And that's something I need to work on, because I see how important that is for me when I'm traveling and I need to implement that in my everyday life and make a point of doing that. But when I am traveling, I get to do that and it feels so good and it's so fun. Fun like I'm not doing anything, I'm just sitting there eating a meal and drinking and like it feels so fun to me to do that and it feels so nourishing to my soul and my spirit to do that because you're honoring yourself, you're honoring your body. When you're eating slower and when you're having, you know, good quality meals, it's so nice and that's just one of the things.
Speaker 1:Right this cruise. I didn't book any excursions or anything. I just I showed up and I told myself, whatever I want to do, I'm going to do it. So I would go to a show at night and then realize, hey, I really don't want to be here and I would leave. I would sit in the back because I knew I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay and I obviously don't want to get up if I'm sitting in the front of a show. I would never do that, that's rude. But I sat in the back so I can easily get out without anybody seeing me. And just honoring that about myself, like, okay, I'm done with this, I want to do something else. Sitting at a bar having a drink and then realizing like, hey, I'm not really feeling this, I'm going to go do something else. Like in the past, I feel like I would force myself to stay because I think I should do it. And I know a lot of us do that, where we feel like I'm going to endure this because this is what I should be doing or I should be enjoying this. So let me stick it out. And if it doesn't feel good or if it doesn't feel right, why not give yourself permission to excuse yourself and do something different. Give yourself the permission to just follow your desires and to honor them. To just follow your desires and to honor them and, of course, be respectful of the situations, but focus on what you want rather than what you think you should do.
Speaker 1:Another thing about this cruise was meeting so many people. Now, when I started this journey I know I told you many times I was super shy my entire life. I was so shy as a child, as a teen, in my 20s I really I was scared to speak up. I was scared to be seen. I wouldn't talk to people. I didn't know to speak up. I was scared to be seen. I wouldn't talk to people I didn't know. And now I am that person at the airport where I'm sitting, waiting for the transportation from the airport to the cruise terminal, and I start talking to this girl and she was so sweet and we became friends throughout the trip and just having these great conversations with strangers who are sharing these experiences and I honestly think by the end of that cruise, half the ship knew about one girl travel because I was just talking to everyone and I was so excited to have these conversations and to meet these people and to just interact with new people from all over and have like really good conversations. These aren't just shallow conversations, these are deep conversations that we're having, that we talk about travel, life, dreams, all of it, overcoming fears, and it brought me so much joy to meet so many people. So if I did meet you on this cruise, thank you for making my experience so wonderful. I hope to meet all of you at some point in real life, because that truly just brings me so much joy just interacting with people, people and socializing and getting to know everybody.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so this trip. Really, if you feel like you need a break, feel like you just need a change of scenery or a change of environment, look into a last minute trip. This is the same sort of scenario for my birthday, where I decided to book a last minute overnight stay and that was 24 hours, and I felt just so rejuvenated from that experience. So imagine what you can do with a few days. It feels good and when you give yourself that freedom to just go and do whatever it is that you want to do and have that time for yourself, you get this inspiration that comes to you, because I know personally, whenever I'm traveling, that is when all the ideas come to me. That is when I'm journaling, that is when I just am at my most open for ideas and creativity. And that's exactly what happened on this trip. I found myself journaling. Which funny story.
Speaker 1:Actually, I was in the Bahamas and the Norwegian has a private island, so I booked myself like lounge chairs and umbrella and I am living my best life on this island. I'm in the water. I didn't care how cold the water was, it felt amazing to me. I was in the water pretty much all day. But then I took a break and I started journaling. And I'm journaling just in my own little bubble, happy as could be laying down in my lounge chair, journaling.
Speaker 1:And I was getting ready to go back to the ship and these ladies stopped me and they're like oh, what were you journaling about? And I'm like what I didn't know? We can ask somebody that, like in my mind I'm like a journal is like a diary. You're going to ask me what I wrote and it caught me so off guard. But it really got me thinking like why not share what we're journaling about? Why not share our dreams? I'll share with you what I was journaling about. I was journaling about the evolution of One Girl Travel and the brand and what I want to create for 2025 and what I envision this brand to become, and it's really exciting. So I don't know if I was giving off some weird vibes, like excited vibes, when I was journaling and they saw me, but I think it's a really interesting conversation to ask what are you journaling about lately? What are your innermost thoughts? What are your goals, especially this time of year? We're coming to the end of the year.
Speaker 1:2024 went by so fast and now is the perfect time to start just writing down what you want to accomplish for the next year. What are your goals, what are your intentions? Also, what are you leaving behind? What do you not want to take with you into this new year? And also, what are you celebrating? What have you achieved this year that deserves recognition? So much does? Do not just brush past the little achievements that might have happened this year, because those little achievements just are building blocks towards your goals and they are important and celebrating them and acknowledging them is so important. So just take some time to journal, to reflect, take a little solo getaway for yourself, an overnight trip, whatever it is you need Again, especially this time of year.
Speaker 1:This time of year is busy. We're caught up in all the holiday festivities and sometimes you just need a break and take those breaks however you desire to or however you can, because we might not all have a week available to us, it might just be a night or a few hours, but it's so important to take that time for yourself and I truly, truly believed that if you want to begin solo traveling and you don't know how to begin, first of all join me in the one girl travel club. That's the perfect place to learn how to start and to have me as your coach and a community and a huge resource library of over 100 workbooks, lessons, guides, everything is there for you. It's a huge, massive library for you and it only costs $197 for the year. This program, this membership, used to cost $9.97 a year and I dropped the price all the way down because I just want to have community and, honestly, if something's free, you're not going to be accountable to yourself. You're not going to show up, it's free, I don't have to do it. But when you invest something as little as $1.97 for the year, that holds you accountable, because now you're investing in yourself, you're investing in your education, your community and I just want as many of you in our community because it's so important have that confidence to do whatever you want in your life without waiting on anybody else Like that is the main objective here.
Speaker 1:I don't care if you want to solo travel or not. You should be able to go anywhere that you want and not have to wait for somebody else. Life is too short. It is too short. I've lost too many people recently that were too young to go and they had so much more life ahead of them and it was cut short, and the thought of that is heartbreaking. I don't want any of you to hesitate on your life. I don't want any of you to have regrets that you've missed your chance to do things. Now is the time. You're alive, you're healthy. Go, do what you can. That's it for today, and I will. I will be back next week. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving and I will see you soon. My friends, bye.
Speaker 2:Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of the One Girl Travel Podcast. If you're enjoying the show, please feel free to rate, subscribe and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can find out more about your host on our website, onegirltravelcom, or follow her on Instagram, facebook, pinterest and TikTok. Thanks again for tuning in and we'll catch you in the next episode.